P11D Submission

P11D Submission

P11D Submission

P11D Benefit in kind submission

This was due 6 July 2024 to file 📖

If this has not been filed there will be £100 late penalty 💰

The payment for the actual National Insurance Class 1A is 19 July 2024 (22 July 2024 if electronic)

If the payment is not made on time there will be late interest until paid

Usually either

  • Businesses ✅
  • Payroll Bureau ✔️
  • Tax Advisors 👍
  • Accountants ✅
  • Book keepers ☑️

Are responsible for the Payroll and at the same time prepare and file separate P11D

Please note the submission for the payroll at the end of the Tax Year is 19 April each year

If you are unsure in regards to

P11D and whether it applies to you

Or if you have a Self Assessment Return to complete and you have been given a P11D and require assistance and advice on where to enter certain figures

Then please feel free to reach out to us

Tel: 01212852534

Web: www.secureaccountsltd.co.uk

#accountants #taxes #bookkeeping #vat #paye #selfassessment #corporationtax #accounts #companies #pension #investments

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