Accountancy Routes

Accountancy Routes

Accountancy Routes

GCSE & A-Level Results

Congratulations 🥳 to everyone during this month who have received their results

Did you know that you can avoid the Traditional Route of going through University (Excessive University fees as well as other high living costs) and instead consider the following 👇


A very reputable and growing organisation for Book Keeping , Accounts and Tax

You can try a find an apprenticeship placement to work alongside and start to study at the age of 16 so straight after GCSE.

There are 4 levels to complete ☑️

There is also the Chartered Route with 👇


Where you can start to study with them at the age of 18 so straight after A-Levels and it is advisable to seek an employment/training so along with

14 exams ✔️

3 years of training ☑️

can be completed to fully Qualify by the age of 21 ✅

In the Accountancy field there are several opportunities

  • Work for a large firm ☑️
  • Work in industry ✔️
  • Work in small and medium to specialise in SME 👍
  • Specialise in certain areas like Tax or Audit

We wish you or anyone you know who decides to choose any of the routes 👆 the best

Please remember for the

Exams (Practice Questions) 📖

and for

Practical Experience (Always be willing to learn )

#accountants #taxes #bookkeeping #vat #paye #selfassessment #corporationtax #accounts #companies #pension #investments #business #businessowner #SME #accountant #accountancy #director #soletrader #partnership #incorporation #taxadvice #Crypto

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